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Web Design Inspiration: our picks of the week

At Robosoft, we love great digital design – be it in a web interface or mobile app. Here are a few sites which caught our eye recently:


A beautifully designed website which captures the essence of the different performances around the world organised by Dragone. Every aspect of the website unfolds in the form of a story and are dramatised through powerful images and colours. The images and the vibrant colours compliment each aspect of the show, thus transporting you to the stage and showcasing the essence of each show before actually watching it. This website is a visual treat to anybody interested in theatre, musicals and visual entertainment.



This beautifully designed website highlights hotel properties in Andermatt — the Alpine paradise. The value proposition of the place is carefully explained with beautiful images and subtle animations which transports you to the Alps.


Blu homes

This website is designed to help you design your home. Since it is high involvement category, it is great to be able to visualise the final result with quick renders. All the tools needed to design your perfect home are available. Bluhomes is designed to inspire and does an amazing job with the help of actual renders, images and estimates for the entire home.


Coverfox helps consumers compare and buy insurance across categories. What we liked about the site was the focus on simply getting the job done, quickly and efficiently.


HotelTonight has an excellent mobile app. The website acts as an excellent landing page to prompt app downloads. The beautiful imagery, compelling content coupled with a demo of how the app works is great in convincing a user to download the app.

Aside from the above, we (just like million others) are mighty inspired by the web design at Apple, Cleartrip, Google Ventures, Airbnb, The FWA and Awwwards.

Chetan Sharma
Chetan Sharma is Associate Director - Design Strategy at Robosoft. Chetan drives strategy and UX of mobile applications, crafting features, content, and information architecture.

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