Category : Mobile Technologies

Mobile Technologies Tech Talk

Using xcconfig files in Xcode to Manage signing identities

Often times we find ourselves in a situation wherein the project has to be configured to make use of different provisioning profile and signing certificates and also with different bundle identifiers. The source code is maintained in a distributed and the vendor and the client make their own builds using their respective profiles, certificates and app ids.

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Mobile Technologies Opinion

Brands and Advergaming – the untapped potential

Advergaming is a term used in the mobile marketing industry to interchangeably describe both a bespoke game for a brand or in-game advertising by a brand. In the former, a brand creates a game which brings alive the brand’s essence. The latter is about creating a branding element – either in the form of static or interactive branding inside a game, created by some other brand or franchise.

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Mobile Technologies Opinion

Make in India: the other angle – mobile app-ortunity

The Make In India call by the Indian Government is aimed at attracting FDI, primarily in the manufacturing industries. The goal is lofty and if implemented well, backed up by policy reforms, it is likely to have a positive impact on the economy.

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Mobile Technologies

How to deal with multiple server configurations in a mobile app

This article explains the strategy that an app developer can adopt for working with different server configurations, without having to create multiple builds of the app pointing to different servers.

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Mobile Technologies Opinion

Apple Watch: the role of developers and the reason-why question

Like everybody else in the tech world, we at Robosoft too watched the Apple Keynote of Sep 9, with great interest. As developers we were doubly keen in fact to watch what the announcements meant for developer community and consumers alike. Of particular interest to us was the Apple Watch.

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