Category : Mobile Technologies

Mobile Buzz Mobile Technologies Opinion

Meerkat, Play Store and more: week that was in tech and mobile

The lines between digital, mobile, technology and apps are blurring in today’s world. We at Robosoft are keen followers of developments in this arena. At the end of every week, we will share with you highlights of news items which caught our eye in this space.

Meerkat: product and buzz

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Mobile Technologies Opinion Uncategorized

Apple Watch, ResearchKit: new frontiers for apps

As with any Apple event, there is much speculation prior to the event and analysis post the event. The ‘Spring Forward’ event held earlier this week is no different. The post analysis event is perhaps even more this time with lots of online discussions on the pros and cons of the luxury pricing of the Edition variant.

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Mobile Technologies Opinion Uncategorized

The destiny of push‑notifications

Push notifications, that magical tool that lets us speak to users even when our app is not being used. This tool started as a way to notify users when our app required an update, and it gradually extended to pushing information about new content and marketing offers. Many successful apps are critically hinged on push notifications; like your favorite messenger and email app. But in the process push notifications have also become notorious for their tendency to be a nuisance.

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Mobile Technologies

A fresh, bold and simple interface for mobile banking

When the first mobile banking app was introduced about eight years ago, there were probably around 10-12 services. The most common services were Balance Enquiry, Mini Statement, Cheque Book Request, Cheque Status, Funds Transfer (within and outside the bank), Bill Payment, ATM Search, Branch Search, Information Services and Service Requests. Today’s mobile phone and the mobile apps are capable of supporting more than 100+ services.

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Mobile Buzz Mobile Technologies Opinion

MWC, GDC, new devices: week that was in tech & mobile

The lines between digital, mobile, technology and apps are blurring in today’s world. We at Robosoft are keen followers of developments in this arena. At the end of every week, we will share with you highlights of news items which caught our eye in this space.

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Mobile Buzz Mobile Technologies Opinion

Week that was in tech & mobile: February 27, 2015

The lines between digital, mobile, technology and apps are blurring in today’s world. We at Robosoft are keen followers of developments in this arena. At the end of every week, we will share with you highlights of news items which caught our eye in this space.

Google Play app store to test paid placement in search results

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Mobile Technologies Opinion Uncategorized

Mobile apps and brand engagement

Brand owners face a daunting challenge today: how do I engage with my consumer across so many channels & media? Brand presence in social media has become de rigueur for several years now to address this issue. Add engagement through mobile, especially mobile apps and the task is even more challenging.

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Mobile Technologies

10 basic analytics to measure for freemium newbies

As a game developer or a gaming company, it is very important to track some basic gaming events to understand if your consumers like a game, how far have they progressed, have they made a purchase or will they be willing to make one in the near future.

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Mobile Technologies Opinion

The mobile app business: trends & opportunities

It is that time of the year when we both look back, making lists and look forward, crystal ball gazing into the coming years. While no one can predict for sure the events of next year, recent category trends give a fair idea of what’s likely to come. Overall, 2014 has been a good year for us at Robosoft and the mobile app industry in general.

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Mobile Technologies

10 Tips To Build A Globally Successful Mobile Game

Anila Andrade of 99Games was a speaker at the recently concluded MobileSparks 2014 event organised by YourStory.

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