Category : Mobile Technologies

Mobile Technologies Tech Talk

#TechTalk: Unit testing – better to be safe than sorry

Tech folks will agree that Unit testing and test driven development is a good concept but is seldom practiced. Its usefulness and importance is much eulogised by doyens like Bob Martin, Kent Beck et al.

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Mobile Technologies Tech Talk

Dependency manager to ease the use of libraries

We often use 3rd party libraries (both paid and free) in our projects to reduce development time and increase app functionality. This practice has served pretty well so far and will continue to assist in programming.

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Mobile Technologies Opinion Uncategorized

Web Design Inspiration: our picks of the week

At Robosoft, we love great digital design – be it in a web interface or mobile app. Here are a few sites which caught our eye recently:


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Mobile Technologies Opinion Uncategorized

The 4×5-inch screen: a wake-up call for banks

In a recent article, it was cogently argued that banks should re-think their strategy around the branch-on-the-phone. The article was meant to be a wake-up call for banks and outlined how several digital disruptions have already changed the way banking is done in India.

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Mobile Technologies Opinion Tech Talk

Tech Talk: Cross-Platform Messaging using Google Cloud Messaging

Back in 2010, Google introduced C2DM (Cloud to Device Messaging) as a way to push messages from cloud to Android powered devices. This service was eventually replaced by GCM (Google Cloud Messaging). C2DM is now deprecated & the service will be shut down completely on 20 Oct 2015.

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Mobile Technologies Opinion Tech Talk

Tech Talk: Increasing product confidence via Continuous Integration pipeline

A best practice in any given successful agile development project is the use of continuous integration (CI). CI ensures automatic execution of various test harnesses when developers commit their work (source code) to version control systems.

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Featured Mobile Technologies Opinion

The rise of content blocker apps and implications for advertising

For months now, marketing, advertising and app-development industries have debated the implications of content blockers built into iOS 9. Now that iOS 9 has been released, ad blocker apps have appeared on the iTunes store and gained popularity in no time. Peace app, created by Marco Arment, former CTO of Tumblr and founder of Instapaper, is one such app.

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Mobile Technologies Opinion Uncategorized

‘The future of TV is apps’ and other observations of note: #AppleEvent

So another Apple Event, again executed to near clock work precision was held yesterday. Most of the announcements were on expected lines: new iPhones, the iPad Pro, revamped Apple TV etc. While it seemed like an incremental update to everything, what was revealed was hardly incremental.

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Mobile Technologies Tech Talk

Tech Talk: why it’s time to switch to NSURLSession

We are happy to share articles pertaining to programming, coding and related topics in our new series: Tech Talk. This week’s article is about NSURLSession vs NSURLConnection, written by Dhanaraj, Software Architect.

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Mobile Technologies Opinion Uncategorized

Apple’s September 9 event, Facebook M & more: tech & mobile news

The lines between digital, mobile, technology and apps are blurring in today’s world. We at Robosoft are keen followers of developments in this arena. At the end of every week, we will share with you highlights of news items which caught our eye in this space.

Apple Event: give us a hint

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