Category : Mobile Technologies

Mobile Technologies Opinion Uncategorized

MSQRD, Android N and more: what’s buzzing in mobile and tech

The lines between digital, mobile, technology and apps are blurring in today’s world. We at Robosoft are keen followers of developments in this arena. Here’s a quick summary of what’s buzzing:

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Mobile Technologies Opinion Tech Talk

#TechTalk: thoughts on Xamarin use cases

The debate about opting for native development versus using cross platform development tools like PhoneGap, Xamarin, Titanium etc., is a perennial one in mobile app development. As with virtually everything in tech, every option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

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Mobile Technologies Opinion Uncategorized

Of Quartz’s news app and emotions in apps

The new iPhone app from Quartz was all the rage in social media last week – it generated a lot of coverage and buzz. Dubbed as an ongoing conversation about the news, it breaks all the conventions about how a news app should be.

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Mobile Technologies Tech Talk

What next after Parse passes on: some observations #TechTalk

Parse’s announcement that it will be winding down has surely come down as an unfortunate surprise to a lot of app developers especially indie developers who found the holy grail in Parse. Lot of well known apps have been written with Parse as a backend and there are still quite a few apps with millions of installations that are using Parse as the backend. It appears that Facebook has mercilessly pulled the rug from under these app developers.

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Mobile Technologies Opinion Uncategorized

iOS 9.3 and the focus on education

Since launch, the iPad has seen several marketing thrusts to position it as a device that can ‘do a lot’ – primarily to counter the talk of it being merely for consumption of content. In May last year, Apple released the ‘Everything changes with iPad’ ad – ‘take on a new project, pick up a new skill, or start a new hobby’.

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Mobile Technologies Opinion Uncategorized

The business of app development in 2016

When Robosoft Technologies ventured into software development in the mid-90s or into mobile app development in late 2000s, crystal ball gazing wasn’t in vogue. Now that it is, especially around this time of the year, let me share my views on the business of mobile app development in the months to come.

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Mobile Technologies Opinion Tech Talk

#Techtalk: Swift Recipes: Optionals Not knowing Optionals is not an option!

Why was a Swift developer arrested on the beach?
Because he thought clothing was optional.

Traditionally, we have all dealt with variables as having some value at any point in time during the execution of the program and use them assuming they will contain some value.

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Mobile Technologies Opinion Uncategorized

Authentication Service for Securing Mobile Transactions

For Net Banking transactions, OTP continues to be a very popular 2-factor authentication mechanism. The primary device being used is a desktop computer or a laptop. The one-time password is being sent on a completely different device (out-of-band) and hence it serves as a strong 2FA approach. For Mobile Banking transactions, the primary device used for transactions and the device for receiving OTP is the same. So, this is not out-of-band. Hence it may be considered as a weak 2FA approach. How do different companies resolve this problem ?

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Mobile Technologies Opinion Tech Talk

#Techtalk: Swift Recipes: Error Handling – it’s an error, not an exception!

Error handling is one of the fundamental concepts of programming. A program without error handling is like a country without a justice system. Your app will behave in an unruly manner with no one to bring order to the program.Any programmer worth his salt should handle errors in his/her code.

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App Development Mobile Technologies News Opinion

Google’s App Streaming: game changer for mobile search

Google announced a new experimental feature which has the potential to make mobile search more useful. The feature allows Android users to stream app content without actually downloading the apps.

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