Mobile Mobile Buzz Opinion

Twitter’s changes and more: Mobile Buzz of the Week

The lines between digital, mobile, technology and apps are blurring in today’s world. We at Robosoft are keen followers of developments in this arena. Here’s a quick summary of what’s buzzing:

Twitter changes 140-character

Last week Twitter announced changes to its character limit what it means for developers. This means in coming months it will no longer count media attachments such as photos, videos, GIFs, polls and quoted tweets as characters within a tweet. Twitter will also allow the users to Re-tweet their own tweet. This will definitely change the way people use the micro-blogging website personally and how social media marketers will use it for business. Brian Peters of Buffer shares his views on how this new update from Twitter can be used wisely to reach out to your users on social media.

Push notifications & Personalisations

Leanplum, a SaaS company, reports that there is a huge difference between Android and iOS users on their interaction with push notifications and personalisations. It points out that Android users open twice the number of notification than iOS users. However, iOS users open it much faster. The company attributes its findings to the different ways both the platforms treat push notifications. It also noted that personalised notifications are preferred, better open rates, over generic notifications.

Google’s use of Material Design

Material Design

Jason Snell, former editorial director of Macworld, thinks ‘Google is making the same mistake now that Microsoft did in the 90s’ referring to its decision to use Material Design principles in iOS. ‘Participating on someone else’s operating system means you’re on their turf’ – he goes on to say. While there is merit in being consistent across platforms and devices, there must be room for adaptation to the environment one operates in. But just as design is subjective, so are the viewpoints.

Android Instant Apps

Not long ago, Google showed a new feature Android Instant Apps at the Google I/O event. From developer to tech writers everyone loved the new feature. But how is it going to materialise? Daniel Rowinski, the Editor in Chief at ARC, digs deep into the Android Instant Apps and what developers will need to know to work with the new feature that’s arriving this fall.

Neha Gargi
Marketing Communication Associate. A caffeine and technology addict, Neha loves to read and write - on a variety of subjects ranging from lifestyle, technology to films.

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