Mobile Technologies

Internet Trends Report 2016: key takeaways

Here are some of the most important takeaways for marketers focused on mobile (who isn’t?) and the mobile app development industry from the Internet Trends Report 2016:

Brand engagement sans ads

Internet advertising grew 20% in the US, driven by mobile. However, total media consumption time spent was still highest on TV (36%) with mobile following at second place with 25% (higher than Internet).

But the big implication for brands seeking consumer engagement is in the following numbers regarding online video ads: 81% mute video ads, 62% are annoyed with or put off by brands forcing pre-roll ads and a whopping 93% consider using ad blockers.

Not surprisingly, ad-blocking products are off the charts: approx. 220mn people use it on desktop and 420mn on mobile (a whopping 94% growth). That perhaps explains the exponential growth of brands using Snapchat and Instagram to create engagement.

Image fuels action

Meeker pointed out that images in apps drive higher engagement leading to higher purchase conversion. Voice search – are you listening?

A mobile app integrated with excellent speech recognition is likely to be more successful with the millennials.

Messaging apps and integration

We are moving towards conversational commerce. It doesn’t matter whether conversations are out in a native app or a messaging app. The business that excels at driving higher engagement will succeed in customer retention.

Read the full version of this article for a detailed insight on the key takeaways from the Internet Trends Report on Linkedin: “Key Takeaways from the Internet Trends Report for Mobile and Marketers.” By: Nikunj Sanghvi

Nikunj Sanghvi
Nikunj leads our Sales and Business Development efforts in the US, out of our San Francisco office. He is a business advisor at heart, given his extensive background in IT consulting across domains. An avid reader, he is up-to-date with tech trends which have an impact on digital experiences.

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