Author Archives: Syed Mehdi Abbas

Syed Mehdi Abbas
As Associate Vice President - Strategic Accounts at Robosoft, Abbas loves obsessing over an idea to conceptualize & shape it into a product. He has extensive experience in digital strategy, design and implementation, business process re-engineering, and application portfolio management.
Customer Experience Digital Transformation Media & Entertainment

Beyond the mainstream: why streaming brands are embracing niche audiences

Niche Streaming: A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Loyal Audience

The digital landscape is witnessing a surge in niche streaming services. This rise can be attributed, in part, to a growing sense of fatigue with the homogenized offerings of mainstream entertainment. Viewers are increasingly seeking content that caters to their specific interests, a trend that established entertainment brands are noticing. Faced with a saturated mainstream market, these established brands recognize the potential of niche audiences. Niche services capitalize on this by offering a unique value proposition: a deep dive into specific genres, regions, or use cases. This laser focus fosters passionate communities around shared interests and unlocks a world of content that resonates deeply with viewers.

However, navigating this specialized world comes with its own set of challenges. Niche providers must grapple with content acquisition complexities. Securing rights for niche content often involves intricate negotiations with rights holders who may have specific demands or expectations. Additionally, the technical requirements for delivering diverse content formats, from high-definition videos to live streams, necessitate a robust technical infrastructure. Managing high data volume and peak traffic periods and ensuring low latency for seamless streaming are all crucial aspects for niche services to consider. Despite these hurdles, the potential rewards for niche streaming services are significant, offering a loyal and engaged audience base eager to explore content tailored to their passions.

Overcoming challenges: strategies for niche streaming success

Niche streaming services offer a unique and focused experience, but success requires navigating several hurdles. Here’s how leveraging technology can help:

  • Content acquisition and security: Securing rights for niche content can be complex. Effective strategies include building relationships with independent filmmakers, partnering with content distributors, and leveraging micro-licensing agreements. Implementing robust security measures like content encryption, secure user authentication, and regular security audits is essential to protect content and build trust with rights holders.
  • Technical delivery and scalability: A robust technical infrastructure is crucial for delivering high-quality streaming experiences. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) optimize content delivery, ensuring smooth playback across different devices and regions. Cloud-based solutions offer flexibility and scalability to handle fluctuating traffic and support diverse content formats. For example, platforms like Netflix and Hulu have successfully utilized cloud infrastructure to deliver seamless streaming experiences to millions of users.
  • Engaging your audience: Building a loyal audience requires deeply understanding viewer preferences. Utilize data analytics to identify viewing patterns, content preferences, and engagement metrics. Create personalized recommendations, offer interactive features like live chats and forums, and leverage social media to foster a sense of community. Platforms like Twitch have successfully leveraged community engagement to build a solid user base.
  • Reaching new markets: Expanding globally requires careful consideration of language, culture, and regulations. Localize content, partner with local distributors, and explore emerging technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to create immersive experiences. Platforms like Crunchyroll have successfully tapped international markets by offering anime content with localized subtitles and dubbing.

Overcoming Challenges and Leveraging Technology

Niche streaming monetization: strategies for success

Traditional one-size-fits-all models won’t cut it for niche streamers. Here’s how to optimize your revenue streams while keeping users happy:

  • Go beyond subscriptions and ads: Niche audiences are willing to pay a premium for tailored content. Explore pay-per-view, merchandise, and premium memberships with exclusive perks. Diversify income and deepen audience connections.
  • Targeted advertising wins: Leverage user data for highly relevant ads that resonate with viewers, boosting engagement and ad revenue.
  • Strategic brand partnerships: Collaborate with brands for sponsored content. Promote brands relevant to your audience while generating new revenue streams.
  • Bundled services attract and retain: Offer bundles with complementary services like music streaming or digital magazines. This increases perceived value and reduces churn.
  • Tiered pricing for flexibility: A tiered pricing model caters to diverse budgets. Users choose the level of service and content access that suits them, maximizing revenue potential.

Monetization Strategies for Niche Streaming

Niche platforms: building communities and empowering creators

Niche platforms are carving a unique space in the digital world by fostering passionate communities and empowering creators. Here’s how:

  • Curated content for targeted audiences : Niche platforms specialize in specific interests, offering a carefully chosen selection of content that resonates deeply with viewers. This laser focus attracts individuals who share a common passion, fostering a strong sense of community.
  • Direct connection for creators: Niche platforms provide a valuable platform for smaller publishers and creators to bypass large platforms and connect directly with their target audience. This empowers creators to build a loyal following and potentially monetize their content more effectively.

Examples in Action:

  • Faith-based platforms: Pure Flix and Hillsong Channel cater to Christians by offering faith-based movies, shows, and documentaries. These platforms provide a dedicated space for viewers to connect with their faith and discover content that aligns with their values.
  • Cooking platforms: Food Network Kitchen and Tastemade offer a haven for culinary enthusiasts. Viewers can enjoy various cooking shows, explore new recipes, and engage with other food lovers, creating a vibrant online community.
  • Local sports streaming platforms: Regional sports networks launch streaming services, allowing fans to access local teams and games directly. This caters to passionate local sports fans who might not be interested in traditional national sports packages, offering a more targeted and personalized experience.

Niche streaming: futureproofing for growth

The niche streaming landscape is constantly evolving. Here’s how to stay ahead of the curve:

  • Hyper-personalization: Anticipate the shift towards hyper-personalized content. Utilize AI and machine learning to create advanced recommendation systems that cater to individual viewer preferences and boost engagement.
  • International expansion: Explore overseas markets for growth. Be prepared for challenges like localization, cultural adaptation, and regulations. Strategic planning and market research are crucial for success.
  • 5G impact: The rise of 5G networks will revolutionize streaming. Leverage 5G’s potential for superior streaming quality and accessibility to offer live streaming and high-definition content, improving the viewer experience, particularly in underserved areas.
  • Emerging market content: Identify opportunities for localized content tailored to specific markets. Understanding regional preferences allows niche services to expand their audience base and global reach—partner with local creators to enrich content libraries and broaden appeal.
  • Strategic collaborations: Partner with content creators, distributors, and other platforms to significantly expand your offerings. This collaboration helps compete with more prominent players and deliver viewers a more diverse and engaging content library.
  • Dynamic market segmentation: Continuously analyze consumer behavior to identify new niche opportunities. For example, consider how “quick commerce” has reshaped the retail landscape. Apply similar principles to identify emerging sub-niches within your industry.

Future Trends in Niche Streaming

Best practices for building a niche streaming platform

At Robosoft, we’ve helped numerous organizations develop engaging digital platforms catering to specific audiences. Here are some essential best practices we’ve learned along the way:

Research & Planning:

  • Understand your audience: Identify your target audience’s needs and preferences to determine their beneficial functionalities. What content are they looking for? How can you best serve their interests?
  • Identify Challenges: Consider potential roadblocks such as budget constraints, technical limitations, or competition within your niche.
  • Set goals: Define what you hope to achieve with the platform. Do you want to increase engagement, drive sales, foster community, or establish yourself as an authority in your niche?
  • Research existing niche platforms: Draw inspiration and discover best practices from other successful platforms in your niche. Analyze their strengths and weaknesses to identify opportunities for your platform.

Consult the Experts:

  • Technical guidance: Get advice on the best technical approach based on your requirements.
  • Feasibility insights: Gain insights into your platform’s technical feasibility, potential solutions, and ongoing maintenance needs.

Design & Development:

  • Wireframing: Create visual mockups to map the platform’s functionality and user flow. This helps ensure a smooth and intuitive user experience.
  • Theme selection: Choose a visually appealing and user-friendly theme that aligns with your brand identity and resonates with your target audience.
  • Feature integration: Implement the functionalities identified during the planning stage, ensuring a seamless user experience. This might include content management systems, community features, e-commerce options (if applicable), and analytics tools.

At Robosoft, we specialize in crafting digital platforms tailored to niche audiences. With a proven track record in sectors like faith and sports, we excel at understanding target demographics, curating engaging content, and fostering vibrant communities. Our expertise empowers creators and drives platform success. By offering a curated experience and fostering direct connections, niche platforms build loyal audiences and shape the digital landscape for creators and viewers alike.

Want to build a niche streaming platform? Talk to us now.

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Digital Transformation Media & Entertainment

The Streaming Wars: A New Era of Collaboration and Consolidation

The media & entertainment industry is undergoing a significant transformation driven by the rise of streaming services. Traditional TV packages are declining due to their high prices and bundles of channels that many people don’t watch. In their place, many streaming services offer consumers a la carte content at a lower cost.

This shift in the market is forcing media companies to rethink their distribution models and partnership strategies. To survive and thrive in the streaming era, they need to find ways to deliver their content to consumers in a way that is both convenient and affordable.

One trend is the rise of hybrid distribution models. This involves offering content through a combination of traditional and streaming channels. For example, a media company might make its content available on a streaming service and sell it to cable or satellite TV providers. This gives consumers more choice and flexibility in watching their favorite shows and movies.

Another trend is the growth of partnerships between media companies and technology giants. These partnerships can help media companies reach a wider audience and reduce costs. For example, Netflix has partnered with Microsoft to deliver its content to users via the Microsoft Cloud. This partnership will help Netflix scale its operations and improve its streaming service’s quality. Similarly, ESPN is in talks with other tech giants like Amazon and Apple as The Walt Disney Co. continues to search for a strategic partner for its sports streaming channels.

The future of the media and entertainment industry is uncertain, but one thing is sure: distribution models and partnership strategies will continue to evolve. As the industry adapts to the changing landscape, consumers will have more choices and control over their media consumption.

Distribution and Partnership Models in the Future of Media and OTT

Distribution and Partnership Models in the Future of Media and OTT

Warner Bros. Discovery and Amazon partnered to make HBO Max available on Amazon Prime Video Channels. This partnership exemplifies media companies partnering with tech giants to reach a wider audience, reduce costs, and consolidate the streaming industry.

Here are some specific predictions about how distribution models and partnership strategies in the Media and OTT space will evolve in the future:

Consolidation of streaming services

The current market is overcrowded, with too many streaming services competing for a limited number of subscribers. This is driving up content costs and making it difficult for streaming services to profit. Some platforms merged or formed partnerships to counter this, bundling their services to offer subscribers more value.

In the future, we will likely see consolidation in the market, with the weaker streaming services being acquired or shutting down.

Content costs will become more reasonable

As the market consolidates, content costs will likely come down. Fewer streaming services will compete for the same content, driving down prices.

This will make streaming services’ profit easier and offer consumers more competitive pricing.

Technology platforms will become more cost-efficient

The cost of streaming technology is also coming down. This will allow streaming services to offer a better user experience without increasing prices. This will be enabled through:

  • Use of AI/ML – Artificial intelligence will automate tasks like transcoding and content recommendations. This can help to reduce costs, as streaming services do not need to hire as many employees to perform these tasks. Machine learning could be used to improve the efficiency of streaming services. For example, machine learning can predict which content users are most likely to watch, which can help reduce bandwidth costs.
  • Use of open-source software – With many source-free software getting churned out in the market, they are doing as well as any paid software, especially in the video editing space, and can be modified to meet the specific needs of streaming services. This can help to reduce costs, as streaming services do not need to develop their software.
  • Use of data analytics – Data analytics will be used to understand user behavior and preferences in a much more effective way. This information will be used to improve the content selection and recommendations of streaming services, which can help to attract and retain subscribers.

These emerging technologies like AI/ML, open-source software, and data analytics are reducing streaming costs and improving user experiences.

In addition to the trends mentioned above, a few other factors could shape the future of distribution and partnership models in the Media and OTT space. These include:

  • Growth of international markets: Streaming services are becoming increasingly popular in international markets. This presents new opportunities for media companies and technology giants to partner and deliver content to a global audience.
  • Rise of new technologies: Developing new technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality, could open new possibilities for delivering media content.
  • Changing habits of consumers: The way that consumers watch media is constantly evolving. Streaming services must be flexible and adaptable to keep up with these changes.

The trends discussed above will have a significant impact on consumers. Consolidating streaming services could lead to higher prices, but it could also lead to more comprehensive offerings and better user experiences. The rise of new technologies could open up new ways for consumers to watch their favorite content, and changing habits of consumers could lead to new subscription models and pricing options.

The Future of Streaming: Consolidation, Partnerships, and Content

The streaming wars are consolidating and collaborating, with major players partnering to create more comprehensive offerings. Industry analysts believe consumers are now less willing to subscribe to multiple services, leading to a more sustainable model for the streaming ecosystem. Platforms are focusing on retaining existing subscribers through a focus on content.

While the streaming wars may not be over, there is a growing sense of resolution and stability in the industry. Consolidation, partnerships, and a focus on content have created a more sustainable streaming landscape. Viewers can expect continued competition and innovation, but the era of cutthroat battles for dominance gives way to a more balanced and content-driven future for streaming services.

The future of distribution and partnership models in the Media and OTT space is uncertain, but the industry is transforming significantly. The industry is adapting to the changing landscape and finding ways to deliver content to consumers conveniently and affordably. This is good news for consumers, who will have more choice and control over their media consumption. The trends and factors discussed above will all play a role in shaping the future of this dynamic industry.

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Media & Entertainment UX/UI

Building cross-platform OTT apps: important guidelines for design & development

Every day, technology makes it easier, faster, and more affordable for businesses and individuals to communicate online with each other. Today more and more of this progress has been centered on over-the-top (OTT) brands. Through OTT, movie buffs can see classic and newly released films virtually anywhere and anytime. Sports fans throughout the world can attend exclusive athletic events that are happening thousands of miles away. And professional broadcasters, as well as the major networks, can reach wider audiences than ever before via mobile phones, digital media players, personal computers, and smart TVs.

But ensuring that users get the best experience from this technology demands design and development that meets certain criteria. Meeting these standards helps broadcasters retain and build the loyalty of their customer base, which is crucial to the success of any business. Here are some suggestions to help broadcasters design and develop OTT apps that provide the best viewing experience for users now and in the future.

Three Areas to Focus on While Building Your OTT App

1. The quality of the playback experience

Sounds obvious, right? It’s certainly the aim of such OTT leaders as Discovery+, Netflix, and Prime. Here are four elements that ensure a positive playback experience:

OTT playback experience focus areas

  • Top video resolution

– Whatever device is being used, from Android to a large-screen smart TV, to Roku, the picture should be clear, sharp, and provide the ultimate viewing experience. To ensure that this is the case make sure the content supports various options including 4K, HDR10, Dolby Vision, and Dolby Atmos.

  • Little or no buffering

– Whether a viewer wants to watch a rerun of a favorite classic TV episode or a new video, they hate waiting for the show to start. That wait is called buffering and is due to pre-loading segments of data when streaming video content. Various things impact the length of time it takes to upload data, but using a good capacity CDN/Server helps to speed things up, preventing delays and user dissatisfaction.

  • A way to fix errors

– Stuff happens. And when there’s a problem with OTT, the faster it’s fixed the happier your audience – and you – will be. So, plan ahead. Engage a service like Video Analytics to monitor and correct errors as soon as possible.

  • Basic UI

– Consider the example of Amazon Prime. Without using anything more complex than a basic UI, it offers access to tons of content and an excellent video-watching experience for users all over the world.

2. Convenient content discovery

Making it quick and easy for users to find relevant content across devices and platforms is how companies like Netflix, Prime, and Discovery have become industry leaders. The secret is to use technologies like AI/ML to build robust recommendation engines based on a viewer’s usage history.

Convenient content discovery in OTT

3. The right framework

There are two different options to choose from when it comes to building your OTT app framework The first is having your developers rewrite and redesign the app’s functionality in the native development language.

Frameworks to develop OTT app

Here’s a brief description of three native frameworks we recommend:

  • Android Mobile & TV

– This makes use of the same framework for both TV and mobile devices using the same logic but a different UI layer that adapts to the TV experience with minimal effort. For example, Kotlin with MVVM architecture and ExoPlayer for playback.

  • IOS and Apple TV

– This app also uses the same business logic for Android and TV but with a different UI layer for TV. Using Swift programing language with AVPlayer for playback is an example.

  • Web, LG TV, Samsung TV, and other web OS-based TV and STBs

– This is a web application for all of these devices.

There’s no question that using the native approach to building an OTT app produces the best performance when it comes to memory and CPU optimizations. But a native framework demands a special team to build and maintain the app and can be expensive.

Fortunately, technologies such as Flutter and React-Native enable a more cost-effective approach to the development of cross-platform OTT apps. With a shared codebase and a hybrid framework, these apps work well on all devices like Android, iOS, TV, Web, and set-top box (STB). And by eliminating the separate codebases demanded by a native approach, they can be built and maintained by a single team.

With a Cross-platform OTT App You Can Still Get All of These Benefits

Expanded user reach

  • Since different devices and operating systems can be served with the same app, OTT brands enjoy a wider audience regardless of how users view them. Users are able to tune in to their favorite shows, films, digital channels, and live broadcasts 24/7 on various devices no matter where they are.

Consistency of viewer experience

  • One of the most attractive features of OTT apps is that they ensure a high-quality viewer experience on a wide range of digital devices and operating systems. Even if the user switches between devices with different screen sizes that are located miles away from each other, the OTT app ensures that the interface and experience remain the same.

Faster app development

  • When cross-platform apps are built using a hybrid approach, they take less time to develop, maintain, and upgrade. Tools such as Flutter and React-Native provide faster development cycles because developers can “code once and deploy everywhere.” In addition, any updates are synced automatically for all platforms and devices.


  • Since a hybrid approach allows a single OTT team to take care of everything, there is no need to hire different teams for developing and maintaining different frameworks. This saves money throughout the design and development and for the entire life cycle of the hybrid OTT brand.

The choice is yours. But whether you build a native or almost-native app with just a single code base for most platforms, you’ll find that OTT apps are a worthwhile investment in the future success of your business. Here are some key reasons why:

Live streaming

  • Live streaming allows viewers a chance to see a performance, an athletic contest, or a political event as it’s actually happening. That’s no doubt why live stream holds the attention of users ten to twenty times longer than pre-recorded videos. In the first quarter of 2021, live streaming accounted for twenty-four percent of global OTT viewing.
  • Of course, crafting a live-streaming experience demands its own approach to design and development including these recommended best practices. But adding a feature to broadcast live content on your OTT app may be worth it. For example, live streaming a famous cricket event, Indian Premier League (IPL) helped Disney + Hotstar add seven million new subscribers to their subscriber base.

A library of localized content

  • Users love good content even if they don’t speak the language of the country where it comes from. Multi-lingual subtitles and audio descriptions make it easy for users around the world to consume more localized content. For example, ninety-five percent of the users watching Squid Games on Netflix were living outside Korea.
  • You too can include localized content on your platform to attract new users from all over the globe. Just add subtitles and audio descriptions in a number of different languages. You could also experiment with different genres, themes, and creative styles, which would not only attract new viewers but enhance the experience of your current subscribers.

Built for connected TV

  • Every year more and more viewers are switching from traditional cable networks to connected TV. Currently, forty-four percent of households have dropped cable altogether while a full eighty-two percent of viewers are watching connected television on a regular basis. Building an OTT app for this market is clearly a worthwhile investment in your business’s future.

Access to multiple channels on different devices

  • Continuity is king when it comes to developing OTT apps. The content should automatically be synchronized across different platforms and devices to prevent friction in the viewing experience. Users can switch from one device to another and still access different channels with just a single sign-on.
  • You can create 4K videos that can be streamed on Roku devices, Apple TV, Fire TV, Android TV, and some web-based smart TV platforms such as Samsung’s Tizen and WebOS. Just make sure to pay attention to the screen size and other functionalities while building the app. Here’s what we did for Magnolia Network, USA.

Magnolia case study by Robosoft Technologies

You Also Have a Choice of Subscription Models

OTT brands can choose from several different revenue models. Here’s a description of each:

  • Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD) gives users access to the entire content library for a subscription fee.
  • Advertising Video On Demand (AVOD) allows users to access free content in exchange for viewing ads.
  • Free Ad-supported Streaming TV (FAST) is a no-cost, high-quality alternative to cable TV. Instead of the library of user-chosen content available 24/7 on AVOD, it has linear channels that deliver scheduled programming to a mass audience on a one-to-many basis.
  • Transactional Video On Demand (TVOD) also called pay-per-view, works well for live streaming of special events such as sports or worldwide premier of popular movies.

You can experiment with these different revenue strategies to find out which one works best for you. For example, you might use a combination of AVOD and SVOD to serve free content and upgrade the user to premium, gated content. You can also include exclusive live-stream content and charge on a per-view basis. The flexibility in revenue models gives users the choice to view the content as they desire while providing a revenue stream for you.

Other features that may be used to differentiate your brand are Chromecast (casting content from mobile to TV), offline download for mobile apps, mini-player, Picture in Picture (PIP), and DRM. You might also consider playback features like audio track selection, quality selection, and playback speed control.

A Final Note — Retention Is the New Growth Mantra

Typically, OTT players like Netflix lose almost one percent of their subscribers on a monthly basis. In the first quarter of 2021, this represented a loss of 200,000 subscribers for Netflix and the revenue they produced. That’s why customer retention is as essential to broadcaster success as acquisition.

You can boost retention by applying these data-driven design-thinking principles as well as:

  • Adding features that make your OTT app easier to use.
  • Creating a seamless experience across all devices and platforms.
  • Testing new and innovative designs to meet the changing needs of the users.
  • Providing a positive reinforcement or reward to the user for using the app.
  • Building a friction-free onboarding process.
  • Personalizing recommendations based on users’ behavior patterns and preferences.
  • Listening to the user to make them feel valued.

Ultimately, acquisition and retention come down to following one universal principle – “keep the customer happy.” And designing and developing a cross-platform OTT app is a step in the right direction for today and tomorrow.

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Mobile Opinion

What does it take to create products that customers love?

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted businesses in many ways, enabling brands to restructure systems and processes to explore new ways of increasing business and operational efficiency.  To manage the immediate impact of the crisis and lay a good foundation for the future, brands must relook at their most critical functions that can create positive customer experiences – product development being one such.

The relevance and value of great product managers cannot be undermined today, where the world is predominantly dependent on digital products and platforms to accomplish most of their needs. Such times call for a human-first approach while developing products that can touch millions of lives globally. In an earlier article, we explored the key characteristics and the core functions of great product managers that can have a profound impact on brand value, customer loyalty, and retention. In this article let’s examine the components required to craft such products and the role of product roadmaps in elevating positive customer experiences.

So, what does it take to create products that customers love?

To begin with, a project framework, the objectives it is meant to accomplish, the resources needed to execute the development, and a product manager who can translate the product vision aligned with that of the organization’s.

As per a Gartner survey, 82% of CEOs are aimed to transform their businesses to be more responsive and digital, and product managers have a huge role to play in accomplishing this vision. Innovation, agility, and speed, define the new turf for product managers. The end-results are sustainable business models and products that customers are in love with.

A product manager is integral in transforming the organizational vision into a user-friendly product right from scratch. From setting the product vision, defining a strategy, researching market conditions, identifying the right opportunity to developing a new product, profiling customer personas, defining the stages of product development, and communicating the vision to internal & external stakeholders. In addition to this, a product manager is also responsible for resource management, driving the execution, providing execution assistance, keeping a constant tab on the timelines, testing the product, refining the product features basis the testing, market positioning and charting a sales strategy, a product manager orchestrates all of these roles end-to-end. Neglecting any one of these attributes can incur heavy financial losses and put the brand reputation at stake. Proper planning and having a visionary product manager leading the product development phase can increase the probability of product success remarkably.

While a lot of the product management skill sets are learned and developed along the way, a product manager should be passionate and driven towards – Technology, Business & the User Experience. Broadly speaking a great product manager intersects at the conjunction of these three attributes.

Business — Product Management above all, is a business function that is focused on optimizing the business value of a product. Product Managers should thereby be obsessed with exploring ways in which product efficiency can help in accomplishing business & revenue goals while amplifying brand value and customer loyalty.

Technology — While product managers are not required to be Tech experts or to get involved in the development process, they must be aware of the Technology trends disrupting the industry globally. They should also be able to forecast trends and be aware of all the technologies that can add value to their product functioning and reception.

User Experience — The ultimate objective of any product is to ensure optimal user satisfaction. To think, feel, and empathize with the end-user and create products to address their requirements and create effortless experiences. To accomplish this, it is imperative to gather inputs from users through research, sampling, AB testing, one-on-one discussions, and get a first-hand feel of whether you’re on the right track, as great user experience is the ultimate goal of any product.

The key to integrating all these attributes into the product execution – a comprehensive product roadmap. It’s one of the most crucial functions of a product manager that brings all the key stakeholders together to commit to the product vision and chart an execution plan based on product priorities.

What are Product Roadmaps?

A great roadmap begins with a clear understanding of the product vision & strategy. Charting a product roadmap is the first crucial step in communicating how each phase of the product development cycle aligns with the long-term business vision. It is a framework that details the direction, execution, priorities, and progress to all key stakeholders. Product managers typically gather insights from cross-functional teams like sales, marketing, and engineering teams to ensure that it aligns with the product strategy and overall business goals. It ascertains the ‘why’ behind building the product and how it solves user challenges that can enhance the overall customer experience.

Here are a few techniques to create great product roadmaps

Tips to Create Great Product Roadmaps

Let’s examine each of these further:

Determine the Use case & Audience

What is the purpose & what are you trying to visualize with the roadmap?

Who is the audience it is intended for?

Beginning with the end objective & the audience it’s intended for, can have a lot of implications on the information & structure of the roadmap. For instance, while the marketing team would check if it aligns with their campaigns, the CFO would avoid getting into the product details & get a quick overview of the costs & how it aligns with the business vision.

Be Data-driven

Given that you as a product manager are a central hub connected with internal & external stakeholders, product engineers, analysts and various other members involved in the product development, it is important to gather user insights and business intelligence from each of these sources and use this as the foundation to create your product road map. Forrester reports that 70% of the projects fail due to a lack of user acceptance. This is why it’s crucial to gain user insights and identify what they truly prefer.

Align with Journey Maps

When product road maps are aligned with customer journey maps it can help in aligning the product features with user thoughts and emotions and guide the product’s design process. This can invariably maximize the product efficiency and customer experience to a whole new level. Here’s a reference for the customer journey map related to bill payments. By understanding the pain points of users, product roadmaps can be aligned to address the core user challenges and enhance the overall customer experience.

Customer journey map related to bill payments

Be Transparent about the Process

As a product manager, it is crucial to prioritize product features and be able to communicate this with the product team.  This is important as it helps in maintaining transparency and gaining team consensus on the priorities and decisions to ensure you’re driving the product vision collaboratively as a team and prevent knowledge silos that can hamper stakeholder relationships.


Every project must go through a prioritization process to include specific features, epics, and initiatives that will be included in the roadmap. Prioritize the roadmap based on – data, high-value initiatives, potential opportunities, stakeholder consensus and it’s alignment with business objectives.

Be Assertive

Product managers need to be assertive, more so in a creative process as it involves ideas and suggestions from other members involved in product development. For instance, a product engineer may endorse an idea or feature that is not documented as part of the product roadmap but how it can seamlessly accomplish the product vision or simply because it can save time on the next sprint. Such ideas have to be eliminated assertively while ensuring that it does not hurt any sentiments. Reason-out with evidence, to ensure that such suggestions do not undermine the product objectives.

Practice Evidence-based Decision-making

To be accepted as a great team player and gain team consensus it’s important to justify your stand with evidence-based communication and decision making. User insights based on research can aid the decision-making process, scale efficiency, and work as an excellent source of business intelligence that can guide the product roadmap process. To accelerate product efficiency, many enterprises have begun to revisit their product roadmaps – crafting the right product vision aligned with key user goals and evolving as per their needs. The ultimate goal of a product roadmap is to communicate the strategy & ensure successful product execution.

With customer experience and digital transformation at the forefront for most organizations today, the role and importance of great product managers cannot be undermined. While a few core characteristics and skill-sets are integral to the organization and product success, enterprises have to hire product visionaries with the right attitude. The role requires a lot more ownership beyond what is fixed as the KRA’s, and a passion above all to solve the most pressing customer concerns.

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Mobile Opinion

Core Functions & Attributes of a Great Product Manager

The role and significance of a product manager is expanding due to the growing importance of digital platforms & integrated experiences, the need for product innovation & differentiation, increased personalization, and design focus. Product managers influence every aspect of the product lifecycle and perform core functions including that of a mini-CEO, fire-fighter, and an orchestra conductor– bringing alive the product vision & executing the day to day operations of product development. It is believed that developing the right skills as a product manager can help one transition into a C-suite professional as it is a good training ground for CEOs.

A great product manager ensures that all team members work harmoniously towards achieving the product vision. The key responsibilities include setting the long term vision and strategy, ensuring user engagement, satisfaction, and monetization. However, these may vary depending on the nature of the industry & enterprise and their views about the project manager’s responsibilities. While a few might be involved in documenting product roadmaps, conceptualizing, analyzing data, supervising the development & production process, conducting market & user research, sampling, testing, and forecasting, others might be involved in the promotion, distribution, sales, and marketing functions especially when the product is already in place.

Here’s an overview of the key phases of the product development cycle.

Product Development Cycle

There are 5 key functions of a Product Manager: Setting the Product Vision, Strategy Development, Product Development, Execution & Testing, and Marketing & Sales. Let’s look at each of those:

Setting the Product Vision

Setting the product vision is the significant first step towards product development. It defines the vision and the broad journey towards accomplishing goals. This is based on the ideas and inputs from the team involved in developing the product. Setting specific goals, product specifications and envisioning the customer personas the product is meant for, ensuring if it solves the core challenges of the user, help in accomplishing their goals, and includes all the measures to assess the success of the product from time to time that is a part of the product development cycle.

Strategy Development

While setting the strategy two aspects have to be kept in mind:

  • Who is the product intended for (Target customer/segment/market)
  • What differentiates it from the competition

Once the vision is narrowed in, the steps to achieve it, i.e. the strategy must be defined. While the vision defines the product goals, the strategy defines the milestones and methods to achieve them.  The strategy should be clear and realistic to ensure that the execution plan can be well distributed among the development team. This ensures that each member understands their role, KPI’s, and the interdependencies that lead to goal accomplishment.

The strategy is derived with insights from market & user research, which includes various quantitative and qualitative methods. It involves understanding the customer personas, their challenges, requirements, attitudes, and behaviors. Incorporating user research as part of the product development process will ensure that the product is custom-built to meet user expectations while ensuring a greater competitive advantage.

Product Development

The development phase begins with crafting a product roadmap that outlines the framework, specific actions, responsibilities, timelines, priorities, and sequence of product implementation.

It starts with defining technical specifications, making prototypes, and mockup designs. While these activities are normally covered by the UX team, a product manager can be involved in writing technical specifications like the PRD (Product Requirement Document) and FSD (Functional Specifications Document), defining the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and to ensure it serves its purpose and alter product requirements based on the user inputs. The product manager’s main goal is to identify what the users want and communicate this information to the development team and project managers. They collaborate with the UX specialists to define the testing scenario, track results, and communicate revisions to the project manager.

Execution & Testing

During this stage, the team begins the product development as per the priorities set in the roadmap. They add new features to the existing product or work on building a new product, where the product manager guides and controls the execution process with the product roadmap.

To ensure successful usability testing, the product manager collaborates with potential customers to analyze user reactions & feedback and conveys these to the development team and project managers to make revisions basis their feedback.

Marketing & Sales

Once the product is completed, the product manager also plans the product positioning, launch, distribution, operating plans, and constantly tracks the growth and revenue graph of the product.

While these are functional attributes, let’s briefly look at the personal attributes that define great product managers.

Core Attributes of a Great Product Manager

Self Management

A product manager must be self-aware and avoid prioritizing product features based on any personal preferences. Lack of self-awareness might derail the execution process from the product roadmap and hamper key stakeholder relationships. It is thereby crucial to be aware and conscious and be able to demarcate between personal and user preferences and always prioritize the later. Being a product manager can be extremely stressful as you are dealing with key stakeholders within the organization and each of them has an opinion about the feature priorities. Managing deadlines, market demands, prioritization conflicts, resource constraints, and revenue targets all at once, and keeping emotions in check is not for the faint-hearted. Maintaining a good balance of product execution and managing stress levels is a must-have attribute for product managers.

Relationship Management

One of the key attributes of this role is efficient stakeholder management. A product manager is often the link between internal and external stakeholders. By developing trustworthy connections, product managers can facilitate harmony and help people in achieving their full potential by minimizing conflicts and maximizing collaboration which ultimately impacts product success.  This can be especially challenging when tasked with balancing the customer demands well within the timelines alongside a resource crunch. Imagine being able to request the engineer to include a bug fix in the next sprint. Such requests can often be executed on the basis of the trust and relationship you’ve developed as a product manager.

Effective Communication

Being a product manager requires communicating with various stakeholders. Breaking down technical information and communicating this with the customers and vice versa to ensure transparency and consensus on likely reiterations, timeline extensions, and additional requirements that have not been accounted for. Timely and open communication can help avoid interpersonal conflicts across the entire stakeholder ecosystem and foster a positive and productive atmosphere throughout the product development process.


The ability to own the product, regardless of its performance and revenue forecasts, reiterating the product as you go, looking at how the users will respond to the product, going over and above to conduct usability testing, sampling, AB testing to ensure its performance, and ensuring that it solves the right challenge. To live, breathe, and be so passionate about it that you ensure its successful execution regardless of all the hurdles and obstacles that come your way, and believe in its purpose, and role in simplifying the lives of millions of users globally. All of this and more defines the product manager’s passion for the product.


One of the most appreciated traits of a product manager is empathy and it is essential at every stage of the product lifecycle. Right from when user research is conducted, to empathize with the pain points of the users, their likes, dislikes, and priorities and with internal stakeholders to empathize with the team and understand their challenges and communicate in a way to address each of their concerns and have a profound impact on all the stakeholders.

Design Sensitivity

Understanding how the design can contribute to the product performance and understanding the core attributes of the UI/UX Design can help product managers convert the product vision into reality. This also facilitates greater collaboration with the UI/UX experts to deliver precisely what the customer is looking for. Design-centric product managers are ultimately more user-centric. Additionally, a fair knowledge of the analytical tools to assess and analyze product and performance-related concepts and examine the features that can be optimized is crucial.


Adopting an agile methodology while crafting a product roadmap is the key to creating products that customers love. A rigid roadmap that fails to adapt to flexible timelines and reiterations as per the dynamic market conditions and evolving user demands cannot scale its performance. Imagine having real-time data that highlights a key user trend that your product feature doesn’t include. While it’s important to stick to the product roadmap, being able to adapt and include user needs is the key to enhance product efficiency.


A big part of the product management success is being able to execute all the ideas and concepts into a working prototype. This requires communicating, negotiating, persuasion, and motivating the team all along to ensure the product launch. Product managers should be able to inspire and orchestrate the engineering, legal, design, and customer support teams to execute as per the product road maps.


Thinking strategically and always working with the big picture in mind are important qualities to be a successful product manager. Being clear on the product’s value proposition, target market, key features, and business goals; being able to forecast how the product will evolve in the future, constantly measure its performance against market trends and developments and paying attention to all details and carrying out all tactical work will guide the product strategy.

Product Management: it’s all about teamwork

Not much can be achieved without team collaboration. Your role as a product manager is to collaborate with the team to help you build, market, and sell the product. Appreciate their ideas and knowledge and inspire collaboration. Call for review meetings often, actively participate, listen, and seek consensus on important decisions. Share constructive feedback and acknowledge accomplishments. Keep away from bias; be open to ideas based on its relevance and alignment towards accomplishing the product vision, show how each idea matters, irrespective of where it comes from.

While there are a lot of critical attributes that contribute to the scope & success of an enterprise, product managers are at the core, creating products that customers love. They build products that influence positive customer experiences which help in accomplishing critical business and customer goals. A great product manager is a visionary who is passionate about solving user challenges and builds products that are embedded in empathy, trust, and transparency. While technical training and upskilling are equally important,  product managers hone their skills on the job, that comes along with gathering valuable intelligence from various stakeholders and years of shipping great products. The more ownership they take up and the knowledge they gather of a particular industry and the customers within, the greater chances of leading the product towards success. Ultimately their passion and role as a product evangelist will be integral to their success and that of the product.

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