Category : Human Resources

Human Resources

Getting to know Cyrus A D’silva – Creative Group Head, Robosoft Technologies

At Robosoft, our mission is to create digital solutions that simplify lives of millions across the globe. Our talented team of software and product engineers, design thinkers, digital consultants and more, consistently work towards driving this mission.

In our interview-based series, we chat with the ‘behind the scenes’ experts – know their passions and inspirations. We will also try and understand what drives them to create digital solutions that touch lives of millions of users and drive business results.

Today, let us get to know Cyrus A D’silva, our Creative Group Head. Cyrus has been a part of our team for over 7 years now.

Cyrus A D’silva

Q: Tell us about yourself and what you do, your hobbies and more?

I live in the suburbs of Mumbai. While growing up, my mom would tell me that music was an integral part of the family and had been practiced regularly, for ages. Eventually, me and my brother had to pick up an instrument to learn. While my brother was a natural musician, I always enjoyed listening to it more than playing it. My grandmother used to make art from any object lying around. She inspired me to learn new art forms and sketch out my ideas. Since then I have always been more attached to arts and crafts. I have always seen creativity into everything I do.

I always wanted to create games, animations, gaming characters, visual graphics for games. But as I said we live in the suburbs we were not so well versed with how to start a career into gaming, as back then print media was booming and game design was a fairly new concept. But soon I decided to deep dive into design and took it on as a career option. Till this day, I still practice arts & crafts as a hobby. I have seen the same in my daughter. She is more inclined towards it and I encourage her to practice the art. She is really good at it.

Q: What inspired you to choose Robosoft Technologies, what is it that inspires you?

As a designer, I always like to keep up with the new design trends and stay updated with the design industry. When I was at my previous organisation I wanted to learn or know more about UX design.

Back then, Behance had just started, and as till date, is a good platform for designers to showcase their work. I was really looking to join a company that would understand the importance of working hands on with both UI & UX. I came across Robosoft Technologies, and I found it is a perfect fit for my expectations. I decided to apply for a position of UI designer with my Behance portfolio, passed the interview round and I got a break into Robosoft.

I joined Robosoft Mumbai, when it was just small set up in Mumbai. Being the core member of the team has been really exciting. Since my first day, I got to meet exciting designers, share my ideas & learn a lot from them. My mentors Dean and Vikram guided and helped me to take my design skills to the next level. I had seen design through the colours, typography & iconography, but credit to these two mentors, who helped me bring in the perspective of form factors & how to modulate the design.

At Robosoft I have worked with different team members, who are more than just colleagues. They have always stood by me in my happy and difficult times, both on a professional level and a personal level.

As design is never constant, there are always new trends in the market that you need to adapt to. The tools or software that we use, are constantly updating and so are the devices we design the products for. The challenge is always to be at par with it, and that’s what inspires me to to keep learning and doing better at my work.

Q: How has the quarantine phase been? What is it like to manage home and work responsibilities and your advice to peers alike?

Quarantine had been very challenging during the initial stages. For us, how to ground the kids into the four walls of the house was quite a task at the beginning. Children’s safety was our top priority. Thanks to my wife and all her hard work, we could put up a routine for everything now with time we have managed everything very well.

In the month of February we luckily moved into a much bigger place than the previous one, which came in handy while setting up my office space. My son is always happy to see me at home when he gets up in the morning.

Things are not the same way it used to be in the past as there are so many restrictions and “the new normal” in which masks have become integral part of our lives. But a peek into history teaches us that humans can adapt well and find a solution to everything.

I believe that the digital transformation has helped us live through this pandemic. Right from the local grocery stores to restaurants to schools, all of them have gone digital. My local grocery store guy who use to always believe in cash based transactions, now says “Paytm karlo Sir”. Schools have shifted to online platforms, which was challenging for both teachers as well as the kids initially, but now my daughter can begin the sessions of her class by herself. This year we had to celebrate all festivals indoors. The pandemic has taught us the core values and importance of nurturing nature. If you don’t treat it well it will come back at you.

Q: Your advice to students & freshers exploring opportunities in this field?

Art and creativity is not something that can be taught, it always comes from within. It is for you to express your thoughts and mould them in your performance. You need to find the form you like & enhance it by regular practice. Picking a right tool or software enable you to explore the different dimensions of that form. Looking at different people’s work adds more perspectives and helps you widen your thoughts. It provides you the necessary inspiration to continuously learn and grow.

Q: In your view, what is the scope of this industry in the years to come?

I think that the digitalisation has given a boost to the IT industry. Every kind of business, be it a small scale or large scale, is supported by IT, and it enables businesses to go beyond survival & grow to higher levels. Design has been the most important factor in the process helping businesses translate their value to users.

In the near future, AI & Machine learning are going to be the most innovative and exciting enablers of technology, making them key skills to learn. It will be fascinating to see and adapt to the changes they will bring in the design industry.

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Human Resources

Getting to know Poojarani G – Technical Leader, Robosoft Technologies

At Robosoft, our mission is to create digital solutions that can simplify lives of millions across the globe. Our talented team of software and product engineers, design thinkers, digital consultants and more, consistently work towards driving this mission.

In this interview-based series, we chat with the ‘behind the scenes’ experts – know their passions and inspirations. We will also try and understand what drives them to create digital solutions that touch lives of millions of users and drive business results.

In this interview, let us get to know Poojarani G, Technical Leader at Robosoft Technologies. Pooja has been a part of our team for over 8 years now.

Q: Tell us about yourself and what you do, your hobbies and more?

Pooja: Coding is my passion. From my childhood, I had an interest in Computer Science. I wrote my first computer program when I was in 5th standard. Here in Robosoft, I work on the Android platform.

I believe in making myself a priority every single day and that is why I start my day with Yoga for an energetic headstart and music to infuse positivity. Once your day starts well, the rest of the day will fall in place.

I also like painting and gardening and I am a keen reader. I love to read non-fiction books. My best weekend is to sit with my kid on the balcony with a book. While I read,  my daughter listens and asks plenty of questions. I love to read about technology, parenting, cooking, travel, health, music, dance, emotional intelligence, and more.

My inspiration has always been women tech leaders. They are technically strong. The way they balance their work and family is amazing.

Q: What inspired you to choose Robosoft Technologies & what is it that inspires you?

Pooja: I attended a pool campus interview. There were 10 colleges with 200+ students from which Robosoft recruited only 3 students. I am very proud that I was one of those 3 students who were selected.

I had heard about Robosoft for its quality of work and the developers here are well-versed with the tech stack. They are known for their clean code. So I was very happy to join such a strong technical team. I find the learning environment is perfect here. I am fortunate that I started my career with Robosoft. The journey from Trainee Software Engineer to Technical Lead has been a great learning curve. I always look up to my seniors who are technically sound and supportive.

The recent project I am working on is Mercury Credit Card android app by Creditshop, an easy-to-use mobile application for users to manage the Mercury Mastercard. Security is paramount for this project and I ensure that the platform meets robust security standards. Besides this, I also train new engineers who join the organization, and that is one of my favorite tasks.

Q: How has the quarantine phase been? What is it like to manage home and work responsibilities and your advice to peers alike?

Pooja: Initially I found it difficult, but not impossible. Later I spent some time planning the deliverables at work and the chores at home. With the support of my husband, I was able to manage both without stress.

My daughter was also very supportive and made sure I attended client calls without disturbances. Sometimes, She will sit and attend audio calls with me. She enjoys it very much. During this quarantine phase, I have become more disciplined and productive than before.

Advice: Life teaches us the right things at the right time. This is very true and we must be prepared for it.

Q: Your advice to students & freshers exploring opportunities in this field?

Pooja: I have always considered Programming as not just a professional skill but as an art. So, if you really want to show your coding architectural skills then this is the best platform. Every line of code matters. Also, we must have knowledge about all the technologies but we should have full expertise in at least one.

Q: In your view, what is the scope of this industry in the years to come?

Pooja: This industry is one of the actively growing sectors in the global app market. This is because of technology’s ability to boost mobile apps. AI and IoT apps will be smarter and help you understand user behavior. So much to learn, explore, implement, and deliver.

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Human Resources

Getting to know Navinkumar Math – Technical Architect, Robosoft Technologies

At Robosoft, our mission is to create digital solutions that can simplify lives of millions across the globe. Our talented team of software and product engineers, design thinkers, digital consultants and more, consistently work towards driving this mission.

In this interview-based series, we will meet these ‘behind the scenes’ experts, know their passions and inspirations and understand what drives them to create digital solutions that touch lives of millions of users and drive business results.

In this interview, we will get to know Navin Kumar Math, Technical Architect at Robosoft Technologies. Navin has been a part of Robosoft for more than a decade.

Navin Kumar Math, Senior Software Engineer at Robosoft Technologies

Q. Tell us about yourself and what you do, your hobbies and more?

Navin:  Originally I am from Vijayapur (Bijapur), which is a heritage city well known for its historical monuments. I am a simple and fun-loving person and I apply the same principle in my personal and professional life.  At Robosoft Technologies I work as a Technical Architect, that’s part of the project delivery division involved in developing custom-built platforms for the BFSI, e-Commerce & Healthcare industries. I’m currently working on a mobile payments and commerce platform, for a client based out of Japan which is into the Finance domain.

I love watching movies, playing cricket & carrom. I also enjoy shopping and traveling with friends and family once in a while.

Q. What inspired you to choose Robosoft Technologies & what is it that inspires you?

Navin: I was recruited through the Campus interview process and was fascinated to be a part of Robosoft as it was working on Mac and Windows drivers during that time. Honestly,  it was an overwhelming experience to begin my professional journey with one of the best in the industry, but they were so open and accommodating that it just felt like home.   Additionally, I love where the office was located, Udupi. It is such a scenic and serene place and the idea of working in a place like that was even more exciting.  Well, it’s been 12+ years since then and counting.

What makes this place really special for me is, first and foremost all the learning and opportunities, but most importantly that it is driven by a deep sense of purpose, which makes work so meaningful. The culture is deeply embedded with the purpose of – ‘Simplifying lives through delightful experiences’. Thus, before developing any digital solution, we link it to our purpose and look back at why the organization exists, what problems it’s here to solve for users, and the impact it wants to bring to each individual’s life.’ The team is very well-knit and we work on each other’s strengths.  We have a lot of team outings, events, and games, that bring us closer to stay united as a team and family.

Q. How has the quarantine phase been? What is it like to manage home and work responsibilities and your advice to peers alike?

Navin: The Quarantine phase is new, yet challenging for everyone. In terms of work though it has been smooth for us so far. Along with my project team, we have been able to manage work and keep-up with the timelines of our deliverables. It has been a novel experience and I have enjoyed working with my team.
Personally, in the initial phase, I did find it difficult to manage work along with household responsibilities especially in the mornings and late evening. However, now I have adjusted my routine in a way to manage both to the best of my abilities.
Advice to peers will be to just enjoy this work from home phase, as you get much more time to spend with your family. While work is important, health is important too hence have food on time. In terms of work – share even the small bottlenecks with your team or manager so that it can be resolved on time.

Q. In your view, what is the scope of this industry in the years to come?

Navin: The industry trends and scope evolve in the most unexpected ways. And what’s fascinating is that the most interesting opportunities often come by at places where they intersect. The global digital experience platform market size is projected to reach USD 15.80 billion by 2025, and enterprises across industries are developing customer-centric strategies by disrupting digital platforms due to the massive impact it can have on its growth.

Several of the decades’ trends represent intriguing combinations of macro forces and other technological advances.  A growing class of AI-driven solutions are redefining the way we experience technology today. In the coming years, more enterprises are expected to adopt technologies in aid to better understand and respond to humans. Combing AI with human-centered design techniques to recognize the user’s emotional state and context to leverage emotionally intelligent platforms and emotional data is one of the biggest scope of the industry moving ahead.

I also admire the work that E-wallet companies like Paytm and PhonePe are doing, as I am currently working on the BFSI domain and want to learn and explore a lot from their work. I also admire leading e-Commerce companies like Amazon and Flipkart and wish to explore this industry alongside BFSI.

Q. Your advice to students & freshers exploring opportunities in this field?

Navin: Given the current market value it holds and how technology is an indispensable part of our lives, the future is extremely bright. In a world of infinite unknowns, what can help students exploring this niche is to channelize their interests and narrow down on a meaningful collection of technologies and look beyond the obvious, which could perhaps be the onset of an invention that simplifies the lives of millions of people around the globe.

In subsequent interviews of this series, we hope to introduce other talented members of our team, understand their inspirations, and what drives them to innovate to create digital solutions that simplify lives of millions.

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Human Resources

Getting to Know Saritha Shenoy – Senior Software Engineer, Robosoft Technologies

At Robosoft, our mission is to create digital solutions that can simplify lives of millions across the globe. Our talented team of software and product engineers, design thinkers, digital consultants and more, consistently work towards driving this mission.

In this interview-based series, we will meet these ‘behind the scenes’ experts, know their passions and inspirations and understand what drives them to create digital solutions that touch lives of millions of users and drive business results.

In this interview, we will get to know Saritha Shenoy, Senior Software Engineer at Robosoft Technologies. Saritha has been a part of Robosoft for more than a decade.

 Saritha Shenoy, Senior Software Engineer at Robosoft Technologies

Q. Tell us about yourself and what you do, your hobbies and more?

Saritha – At Robosoft, I’m a Senior Software Engineer currently working with ReactJS Apps helping develop interactive UI’s for clients. What makes this role particularly remarkable for me is that I get to learn, work with a global clientele, and pursue my passion, coding! Besides that, being a daughter, wife, and a mother is a huge part of who I am. 

I come from a town close to Udupi called Mulki. I feel a certain equilibrium here, more in touch with nature and myself, I love the peace and tranquility this place offers. My hobbies include reading, trekking, and cooking. I have however been unable to indulge in trekking lately due to my responsibilities as a working mom, but the plan is to take it up actively a couple of years from now.

Q. What made you choose Robosoft Technologies & what is it that inspires you?

Saritha – Robosoft opened its doors to me 10 years ago and gave me the opportunity to have a perfect work-life balance. I have always preferred the tranquility that a place like Udupi offers and having my office in the same city as my parents helps me in supporting them. What inspires me most is the open and positive culture where new ideas are welcome and the focus has always been on how we can add value to customers and their business. It has also helped me hone my skills and competencies which have made me the professional that I am today.

Q. How has the quarantine phase been? What is it like to manage home and work responsibilities and your advice to peers alike?

Saritha – Although the quarantine phase has been stressful to juggle between home, work, and keep up to all the timelines, it’s a nice feeling to be able to spend some time with family. For all those who are currently working out of home, I’d like to say these few things that are helping me immensely – communicate often, clarify misunderstandings, stay organized, collaborate with the team, stick together like a family, identify the little things that keep you motivated, follow a fixed routine and explore ways to keep from distractions. I’m thankful to Robosoft and all my peers who have supported us through this challenging phase and have ensured our safety above all.

Q. In your view, what is the scope of this industry in the years to come?

Saritha – Technology is woven so intricately within the fabric of our lives that its scope is virtually immeasurable. The pace and reach that this industry has shown in the recent past are indicative of what’s to come. I feel that digital solutions in Healthcare, Retail, and BFSI will lead the way in the future.

Q. Your advice to students & freshers exploring opportunities in this field?

Saritha – The key for students exploring this field is to understand that we are not too far from being completely dependent on digital platforms & technologies for all our core requirements and its scope is extremely vast. To get a real-time feel while pursuing their studies, students can take up short internships between semesters even if this is not a mandate as part of their curriculum. This would mean a lot of hard work, but getting used to the work-life discipline can mold you in a lot of ways. The insights you gain can be incredible, and help in building communication skills, confidence and teach you how to be a good team player.

In subsequent interviews of this series, we hope to introduce other talented members of our team, understand their inspirations and what drives them to innovate to create digital solutions that simplify lives of millions.

Stay tuned.

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